Service Learning
School and community service
Middle School students are required to do 5 hours of community service each grading quarter throughout the academic year.
Service hours play a vital role in the character development of all of our Seton students in grades kindergarten through 8th grade.
“Be amazed at the heights to which you are called!” - Pope St. John Paul II

The IXL platform is a personalized digital learning space that covers K-12 curriculum and is used by more than 14 million students. With over 9,000 skills in math, English language arts, science, social studies, and Spanish, it is a very comprehensive service.
By using a curriculum base, actionable analytics, real-time diagnostics, and individualized guidance, educators are given the tools to help students target specific learning goals. Thus, it can be used to support personalized learning plans.
The 'immersive learning experience,' as it's described, has so far answered more than 115 billion questions worldwide. You can even view a counter of this number on the IXL website, which is going up at nearly 1,000 questions per second.
Tutoring service can be offered upon request
Please call the school office at 814-336-2320 or email to inquire more about tutoring services for Seton students.


Healthy use of technology is practiced and enforced.
Using technology to benefit a student requires management and training. Students start technology classes in kindergarten here at Seton school. Starting in first grade students will be taught how to properly care for and use Chromebooks that are provided to every student enrolled in 1st grade through 8th. Preschool and kindergarten students currently use iPad for technology learning support in the classroom.
Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science
7th & 8th Grade
The Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) is a statewide organization of junior and senior high school students designed to stimulate and promote interest in science among its members through the development of research projects and investigations. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is divided into 12 PJAS regions. Each PJAS region consists of two or more counties. Every PJAS region has one or more directors and a treasurer who oversee the operation of the region. PJAS also has a State Director, a State Secretary, and two State Treasurers as well as committees for Judging, Safety, Technicians, and Awards.

The Seton School Garden
Managed by our 5th grade students and enjoyed by all in the school, the Seton School garden is located in our school playground.
Students learn how to plant, care for and harvest from the garden.
The Seton School Garden is a part of