2024-2025 and Beyond COVID-19 Policy
Message to Parents and Teachers about COVID-19 Restrictions for 2024-2025 and Beyond
At this time, NO RESTRICTIONS are necessary for COVID-19, except that you must keep the school office informed about contracting COVID-19. Students may return to school when they are feeling better and fever free for at least 24 hours without medication.
As of March 2024, the CDC has stated that it is safe for schools not to have the stay home for a specified number of days requirement and the mask requirement upon return for students and their families with COVID-19 as long as they are feeling better and fever free like the recommendation for other viruses like influenza. Once a child returns to school, if he/she continues to feel ill or has another fever, the parent/guardian would be contacted to pick up the child from school.
We appreciate your cooperation.
***Please use good judgment, and if you are not sure if your child is well enough, please keep him/her home an extra day. Doctor's excuses will still be necessary if a child is absent from school for three or more days.
Title IX
“While reserving the right to make religious exceptions as provided by law and in accord with Catholic religious belief, the Catholic schools within the Diocese of Erie do not discriminate on the basis of sex. This includes being excluded from, participation in, being denied the benefits of, or being subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity on the basis of sex.”
Parish Based Schools Title IX Coordinator - Mrs. Laura Blake - lblake@eriercd.org, 814-824-1247